Vitapet Moult Formula

Size Small Large

Vitapet Moult Formula

Vitapet Moult Formula and Coat Conditioner helps reduce excessive moulting, promotes a healthy glossy coat and is ideal for any dog, particularly long haired breeds. Moulting is a natural process and most dogs will moult once or twice a year. However, excessive moulting can be a problem and can cause an embarrassment in coping with unsightly hairs around the house. Allergies, central heating and early warm weather can all have an effect on a dog's natural moulting cycle.

Vitapet Moult Formula Coat Conditioner is a unique blend of natural oils rich in Omega-6 fatty acids. Research indicates that supplementing the diet with the Omega-6 nutrient will help to reduce excessive moulting by replenishing the natural oil levels in the body.

  • Omega-6 nutrients will help to keep the coat in all round excellent condition.
  • Ideal for cats and dogs of all sizes, particularly long haired breeds. 
  • Reduce excess moulting


  • Small - 150ml
  • Large - 400ml